Personal Loans
A flexible way of ensuring you have cash when you need it most, through an appropriate overdraft limit.
How do they work?
Overdrafts are convenient to help finance your day-to-day requirements when you’re running short of cash or when unexpected expenses arise.
Interest rates are variable and attractive. In order to save you unnecessary interest costs, we calculate your outstanding balance on a daily basis.
Good to know! On top of your payment card, you can also request a chequebook for free. Withdrawals may be made up to the agreed limit, at anytime.
Our short and medium-term loans are there to help finance your personal requirements. Repayments are also made easier thanks to our more flexible approach, with no penalties incurred if you repay us before the agreed date and with the possibility to increase your facility should you need to.
Good to know! Repayment period is usually up to a maximum of five years; interest is calculated daily on outstanding balances and debited periodically to the loan account.